

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Challenge #148 winners post

Heres our winners post for challenge #148

Well what a gorgeous array of creations you all made for us last week :O) Thank you so much for sharing youe tallent with us and our visitors.

The winner of the selection of images from challenge #146 is
Melissa with this gorgeous ballerina silhouette card
Please contact with winner #148 in the title and i shall arrange to send you your prize.

Our runner up prize of $3 to spend in our store is aNNie with this beautiful creation
If you can contact me with runner up #148 in the title.
Dont forget to tell me the exact name of the image you would like as your prize. Not forgetting to include the creators name. So i send you the right one ;O)

Please pop back in an hour to see this weeks challenge........
its a good one :O)


1 comment:

  1. Happy to have won OSAAT Ch148 Use a Digi with my Ballerina Card. Thank you. Emailed my info.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"


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