

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Challenge #177 winners

Well it appeared not many of you are preparing to go back to school. But the enteries we received were gorgeous. Thank you for sharing them with us.

The winner of the Promarkers is card #7 that's KT fit kitty
Please contact .  With winner #177 in your subject line and then send me your mailing address then I can get your prize sent to you.

The runner up who wins $3 to spend at our store is #6 that's Tip Top.
Please email  with Runner up #177 in the subject line. Then let me know the name of the image you would like with a $3 value include the name of its creator too...

See you all back soon

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! Thank you - I am over the moon! Very excited to win the Promarkers - I don't have any of these. I'll be emailing your shortly. Have a wonderful day - you made mine very happy!


Thank you for your comments, good or bad, we Love them all...the gals from OSAAT