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Friday, October 29, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010
OSAAT Challenge#37 October the 24th Theme is "Christmas" Traditional or Modern
Hello To Everyone! And....... a Happy Halloween to All Hope you are all having fun!
Before we start this week's challenge, want to point out a few changes we are making here at One Stitch At A Time...
We are diligently trying to update our new "pages" located on the links at the top of the blog...
If you click on Our Shining DT link you will find our DT's winning cards from other challenges around blogland...
And if you click on the Blog Candy link - you will find a list of Blog Land Candy around blog land - As we see it we will post it here for your convenience...
These will both be ongoing and changing daily, so be sure to check back!!!
We would all like to say a huge thank you to all who participated in our " All Celebrations" theme last week. By the looks of the cards and projects on our blog you were all Celebrating something! So many Stunningly, beautiful creations.Thank you all so much! Our new theme this week is Christmas! This can  be Traditional Or Modern Christmas more or less anything goes! Get the Santa's, Snowmen,  Etc and the glitter and bling out show us what you can do and have fun doing it  Easy or What?  Did you all enjoy last weeks Quizz?  I have another for you Similar to  last week get these old grey cells working  So.... At the VERY bottom we have another wee quiz for you.. couple of Fun Questions to answer in the comment box on the post. ALL correct answers will go into the random thingy to win one of the New Release Christmas Digis - Depends how many entries we get how many digi's we give out... so get Your thinking cap on, and ...Join in have some fun!
Today we have THREE FAB sponsors.... look at this wonderful line up so get that crafting gear out well worth winning!


Who is offering a $10.00 (GBP) Gift Voucher

Preview Below


 $10.00 (USA) Gift Voucher

Woweee wish I could join you and get a chance of winning the goodies from these fab sponsors!Now onto this Sundays winner who will receive FIVE yes FIVE digis of choice from our shop and our runner up will receive 3 digi's of choice from our store, including our Christmas New Releases...
Winner of Five digis is............

Winner of Three digis is..........

Please e mail Liz at to arrange to receive your digi prizes!
And we are also doing a top three this week.. How lucky can you lucky bloggers get? In no set order..

Chris #115

Dee #80

Joan #165
Congratulations to EVERYONE - Great Show :)

Why not all click our store badge and take a peek at what we have in store, 
Starting Monday - November 1st, some of our creator's have decided to do a special "thanks" giving sale.  Just a way of saying thank you to all our awesome customer's...
Some beautiful digis and papers The Dt have all been working with Christmas New releases, ... so go no further for some Inspiration Look at the teams  stunning projects and please click on their cards and leave a little love for them

Thanks to all the wonderful DT Team for their beautiful work
And the very last Week of our children GD see new blog link here
Thank you all,its been a pure pleasure working with you
Good luck in the future with your wonderful crafting
See you all at Stitchy Bear Kids!
This week kids are.. TJ with Nut holder Toucan Scraps Paper
and Maddie's Card made with Mizumedias new release
Both wonderful!

Please also do not forget the New OSAAT Monthly Children Challenge blog, its called Stitchy Bear Kids, Tammy T is running this new blog and this will start Tomorrow and run monthly...So please get your kids, grand kids, nieces and nephews involved - lot's of great prizes and tons of fun!!

                                                              OSAAT QUIZZ TIME
Correct answers will be put in Random Generator to win a new release Christmas Digi ...Numbers will define whither one or two prizes Go on try it have fun! Leave answers in comment box
01. What do you call the 'art of folding paper'?
02. What do 'pinking shears' do?
03. Is a 'Spinning Jenny' used for making pots or making yarn?
04. What are 'lazy daisy', 'french knot', 'stem' and 'blanket'?
05. What is a highly scented purple/blue flower often used in scented sachets?
06 Which craft tool cuts out a shape from paper or card when you press on it?
Bonus Question
What was the old fashioned  (Grannys) use of oranges to give little sweet smalling gifts at Christmas?
Get SIX answers right your in with a chance of winning! :):)
Last weeks winners are 


Please e mail me, Liz, on

ChrIStMaS - TRadItIOnAL or MOdeRn

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Before we start this week's challenge, want to point out a few changes we are making here at One Stitch At A Time...
We are diligently trying to update our new "pages" located on the links at the top of the blog...
If you click on Our Shining DT link you will find our DT's winning cards from other challenges around blogland...
And if you click on the Blog Candy link - you will find a list of Blog Land Candy around blog land -  As we see it we will post it here for your convenience...
These will both be ongoing and changing daily, so be sure to check back!!!

We would all like to say a huge thank you to all who participated in our "Embellish it" theme last week.  There were so many beautiful creations.  Our new theme this week is Anything goes ..."Any Celebration" Can be anything you wish for any celebrations New Baby, Birthday, Christmas, Anniversary, Wedding, Engagement, Party's, Invites, New Year just about anything  you wish that you say "Congratulations for"! Easy or What?
Now At the VERY bottom we have a wee quiz for you.. Couple of Fun Questions to answer in the comment box.  ALL correct answers will go into the random thingy to win one of the New Release Christmas Digis - Depends how many entries we get how many digi's we give out... so get Your thinking cap on, and ...Join in have some fun!
Please also do not forget the New OSAAT Monthly Children Challenge blog, its called Stitchy Bears Kids, Tammy T is running this new blog and this will start at the very beginning of November and run monthly...
So please get your kids, grand kids, nieces and nephews involved - lot's of great prizes and tons of fun!!!
Now on to who was lucky enough to win our J Sheen prize this week 
Congratulations Kym of Kym's Crafty Cards :)

And Our Runner up this week who won 3 digi's of choice from our store...
Congratulations Irit of Irit Shalom's Designs 

 Ladies - 
Please grab your new personalized badge and  email Tammy T at to get your awesome prizes!

Next Sundays winner will receive FIVE yes FIVE digis of choice and our runner up will receive 3 digi's of choice from our store, including our Christmas New Releases...
Woweeeeeeeeeeee Get crafting then, you can't win if you are not in it!!!!!

Why not click the badge and take a peek at what you might win - while your at it check out our Child's Christmas Collabe, only one more week - that is SEVEN days left to get this beautiful collab for FREE...
with a $10.00 purchase

Before we move onto this weeks theme Of Anything goes.."Any Celebration" Please see our FUN game very bottom of this post to win a prize or ..two, and now onto last weeks F-U-N winner ...The Maker of our FUN CARD was The lovely and creative Nat  HERE Pop over say Hi... Thank you so much, Nat Hunnie we all love you here at OSAAT!
The first correct answer was from Lilla HERE  Congratulations Please e mail me your Address To Lizancrafts second winner taken from ALL comments by Random Generator Was

Congratulations Momma Jess - Please send me your E mail and I will e mail you your prize to you! Thanks a bunch for playing along We go on now to some Astonishing, creative and Beautiful work from the "One Stitch at A Time" Design Team We do have some fun and great laughs and they all do amazing work so please pop over leave some love!

You can see more of their amazing work along side some of our digi's in the store also :)

Please click the picture's and leave them some love












And for our Kid's Korner GDT
Katie Katie  and Maddie

Fun Questions Please add yourself as a follower if you do not follow us all ready
Prize will be one new release Christmas Digi from Stitchy to correct winner
All correct will be drawn by Random Generator...Thank you All who join in!
1/Who sang Congratulations & Celebrations? (Our theme this week!)
2/What Year was this song released?
3/What was the name of this singers backing group?
4/What year was he born and what age is he this year?
5/Why does his name make you think of a spider? lol
Have a great Sunday and an even better week ahead and looking forward to seeing your projects
and answers if you dont know begorra answers in google lol
Liz and the Gang at Stitchy Bear Challenges xx

That's all from US - Now how about YOU

AnYThiNG GoEs - CeLEbRatIoN

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


To be fair

Please turn it off

Please turn it off
We can see so many more of your creations then. Thank you

Please respect

While we recognise that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, please respect our copyright and do not copy any project exactly. We put our projects up for inspiration only. Scraplifting and casing is permitted and if we do happen to give you that sort of inspiration, please leave us a comment so that we can in turn leave you some love.
Many thanks
The OSAAT team

Our copyright Registered & Protected

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