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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hi Everyone!
It's Sunday, we all know what that means.  That's right, time for a new challenge.  First lets check out last weeks winners.  We had some awesome entries last week!  A big thank you to all of you that played along with us.

Our Random winner is .......

That's you Stephanie!

Now for our Top 3

Thanks for using SBDS digitals!
Congrats to All!
Please contact Stitchy, at
She will get your prize and Top 3 badges sorted for you...please put winner #67 or Top 3 #67 in heading ;)

To be chosen for Top 3 you must use a SBDS digital. If you do use a SBDS digi please put #3 after your name when you enter. That way you won't miss a chance for Top 3 spot

It's Collab week and the Theme for this weeks Challenge is Wedding/or Sympathy.  The Kit will be available in the store for the entire month of July.  You can get it for free with any $10.00 purchase.  It's also one of the prizes for this week!  

Our Sponsor for this week is the wonderful

Join us for your chance to win  a $10.00 UK voucher!  

It's time to Spotlight one of our fabulous DT

My name is Elaine and I live in the UK, I found cardmaking after inheriting my grandmother's cardmaking stash when she passed on in 2006 and its always felt like she has been watching over me and encouraged me in this hobby. I have a chronic illness and crafting has been a way to keep positive and helps me in my dark days-I am always planning my next project even if I am too poorly to craft! Starting a blog in October 2010 was the best decision I have ever made-it has meant so much to me to be part of a wonderful, creative, crafting community. Joining OSAAT DT was a dream come true, I started as a Guest designer and was so proud that they wanted me to join the team! I love the opportunity I have been given to join in with such lovely talented ladies and adore the challenge to push my crafting further!  Elaine-xxx-

Here's the rest of our wonderful Creators and Design Team projects.


Now that we have all gotten some inspiration from our talented DT it's your turn. We showed you ours, now show us yours! Don't forget to stop by and give our DT some love.


Thank you for picking me in your top 3- it is great honor!!!

Beautiful DT inspiration!

Deanne :)

The DT have created some gorgeous cards and have given great inspiration x

hugs sally x

Anonymous said...

You have informative and attractive blog !!!

Wedding Themes

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To be fair

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Please turn it off
We can see so many more of your creations then. Thank you

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While we recognise that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, please respect our copyright and do not copy any project exactly. We put our projects up for inspiration only. Scraplifting and casing is permitted and if we do happen to give you that sort of inspiration, please leave us a comment so that we can in turn leave you some love.
Many thanks
The OSAAT team

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