Sunday, January 17, 2010
Mini Pre Challenge
3:45 PM
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Hello Everyone who sees this...
Since we are all chompin' at the bit, like Sammy says lol, thought I would throw up a little mini challenge for everyone to play along with...
Here's how it works...
Become a follower then leave a comment to this post with how many followers you think we will acquire when Valentine's Day (our first challenge) hit'
That's it!!!
Only one comment counts, so make it a good one lol...
Winner get's to receive one digi of choice from my products
Also, I want to thank everyone who has posted our badge on your blog...that is so awesome, thank you so very much for spreading the word...
Please use the email box if you would like to see a particular challenge or anything that comes to mind...I am one of those type's that checks thier emails, ummm at least every 10 minutes when home hahaha
I do need to get a life huh lmao..
Have fun and so happy you are all here...
Love & hugz
stitch xx
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We can see so many more of your creations then. Thank you
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While we recognise that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, please respect our copyright and do not copy any project exactly. We put our projects up for inspiration only. Scraplifting and casing is permitted and if we do happen to give you that sort of inspiration, please leave us a comment so that we can in turn leave you some love.
Many thanks
The OSAAT team
Many thanks
The OSAAT team
Woohoo, love it Stitch. Love the look of the blog too. Luve ya
Good luck on the new challenge blog, sounds very exciting!!
I reckon you will have about 60 followers by Valentines Day!
Sarah x
Stitch Will add this to my blog today hun
Liz xx
I will add this since you are such (good?????) friends of mine to my side bar. All kidding aside, congrats to you on this lovely venture. I will miss the first challenge since I will be going on a long needed vacation to my island in the sun but you all know how I love me challenges and will be certain to be here after I get back.
Luv Ya,
OOo this is fab and the dt are all such fab ladies and I cant wait to see all your fabby dt work!
Right I think you will get 74 followers by the time the first challenge hits this blog!
I cant wait for the fun to begin!!!
Oh more challenges for me to join in! Housework be gone lol. Seriously good luck with this. I know I will enter when I can. I wouldn't be surprised to see you have at least 75 to 80 followers by then.
i think you will have around 105 followers,
,good luck ladies
tracey x
Good luck with the new blog ... I reckon you'll have 82 followers !
oh gosh my number 75 got picked well as i live at 89 i will pick 89 good luck with the blog i know it will be a hit.
I am going to guess 68!
Love the blog and can not wait for the first challenge. I think you will get about 120 followers by then.
Luv Jane XX
I'm guessing 80 followers
Great blog, i can't wait for the challenges to start. I think you'll have 93 followers by valentines day.
Gemma x
Hi Girls
I am sure I left a comment here....but obviously not....unless somewhere else got my guess instead!! LOL I guess that you will have loads of followers by Valentines Day.....112!!!!
Good luck with the blog!!
Jackie x
Hi Girls, this is a tricky one but if we all advertise your blinkie as a new challenge then I think you will have 88 by the time valentine's day comes around. I hope I'm wrong and that you have hundreds.
Suzi x
I'm off to post your logo on my sidebar now. I think you'll have 153 followers by the 14th of Feb. Good luck with the new challenge blog. Looking forward to the 1st challenge.
Kat x
I've added a post on my blog to let my blog pals know about the new challenge. I'm gonna guess at 102 followers. Good luck in your new venture. Hugs xx
I say 95 followers...... :) and they will be HAPPY HAPPY followers at that!
I'm already a follower and I sure am looking forward to following all you have up your sleeve here! I would like to guess 133 followers, but I hope it is a LOT more! Good Luck!
Well, I just became follower number fifty and Valentine's day is twentytwo days away. So there is plenty more time to get some more followers.......I think that I am going to say that you will have.... 92 followers for your first challenge.....
can't wait!
Hiya all you ladies ,
well gonna have abash and i think 69
hugs judex
By Valentines Day, after the challengers begin?? I think you'll have at least 110 followers!
I'm going to have a stab at 86 (as I need to make a decision and already faffed for 5 minutes!). Hopefully you'll get way more by then though! Good luck with this great new blog ladies!
Hi Stitchy!! I'm here!!! I THINK you will have 114 followers by Valentine's Day!!!! Can't wait to see what the first challenge is!!!
Hey Stitch!! Congrats on the new blog Girl!! Love all the fancy purples and blues. I say you are going to have 69 or 84 - why? because those are two of my favorite numbers and if you get really lucky you'll be able to add them together for a grand total!! LOL
I'll say 87 followers by valentine day.Not done stitching looks intersting to me,need more coffee.'Sick of winter in Kansas now.
Sue This summer I turn big50,what happen to being 20?